In 2003, The Holy Spirit gave myself and Assistant Pastor Stephaine Noble-Beans a vision for The Church of Berachah. The church was initially established in the family room of my home, and has since flourished and grown into the church it is today. After 30 some years of being saved, I am still getting a grip on this amazing Grace! Grace is a person, and this person is our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God! For many years, I lived under the covenant of the Old Testament which says, “If I do, then God will do.” I believed that my good works and my good performance made God indebted to me. But through the revelation knowledge by the Holy Spirit, my eyes became open to what Grace really is. It is not what I did, but what Jesus did for me. Now I live in the covenant of Grace! So it is now my mission to get out the message of Grace to a dying world. So that it may be known that God is Love, God is good now and forevermore…
Senior Pastor at the Church of Berachah
It is an honor and a privilege to be called by His name. As the Pastor of the Church of Berachah, I am excited about serving in this community. I have been 29 years in ministry, and pastoring for 13. God has called me for such a time as this. Someone may ask, “what time is it?” It is time to LOVE! 1 Corinthians 13 says, “If we have not love, we are nothing.” Our church is founded on Love and on Grace. Grace is the power of the Gospel. The word “gospel” means nearly-too-good-to-be-true! It’s not what you do that’s important, it’s what Jesus did! It’s by the Grace of God that I am what I am today. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ, who has empowered me, counted me faithful, and has placed me in this ministry.
I was a little country girl from Mississippi, who moved to the big city, San Francisco, in 1981. In March of that year, I met the Lord and was born again! I began to read the bible, attend church, prayed, and soon after I began to have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus touched my heart, and in November of that year I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. As evidence of God’s power in my baptism, I began to speaking in tongues! I met Bishop Mize who became my Father-In-Law and more importantly, my Spiritual Father, teaching me about Christ Jesus and mentoring me into my ministry. He powerfully and profoundly influenced my development in Christ. Our relationship was very close, like a Father and Daughter, it came to be by divine appointment. In 1987, I was licensed by The Christ Holy Sanctified Church of America, and with Bishop Mize present, I received my Certificate of Ordination on May 21, 1994.